
Title: ‘Waves’

Media: Oil on canvas

Size: 122cm x 51cm

Starting bid: £105

Artist: Mark van Heygen

I have always enjoyed drawing and painting and from my earliest years was encouraged by my artistic family and teachers at school. Several members of my family were artists or musicians.

I attended school in North Norfolk and without me knowing my art teacher entered one of my paintings into a local competition, I was really pleased that I won a prize, a book on van Gogh. I was 12 at the time.

At the age of 17 I was studying at sixth form college in Southampton. The two art teachers there were artists in their own rights. They saw that three of us were enthusiastic and allowed us to build our own studios from sheets of wood inside of the huge corrugated building ( the art department } and sent us to life drawing classes.

Today as well as painting I volunteer in an art project called Rowan, in Cambridge. I help enable adults with learning difficulties with picture making. As with anyone, this can help with communication and self expression.

At present I am painting in oil, on board or canvas. My subjects are mostly of the sea and a lot very abstract. I wish to capture an energy, a simpiicity and harmony in composition and colour.

I have exhibited my paintings in Norfolk, Cambridge and London since 1981. I have also been in Open Studios for several years.

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