In celebration of Volunteers’ Week, we want to share Rosie’s story with a heartfelt thank you for all her support.
Rosie joined Rowan as a volunteer six years ago, and has since helped out with the drama, music and textile groups. She says ‘I just love the whole atmosphere, it’s incredibly friendly and supportive. The students and staff are equally amazing and I look forward to seeing them every week.’
As a special needs teacher at a nearby school, Rosie has been aware of Rowan ever since it began, however she became more closely involved after her daughter Ziggy developed a severe brain injury. Owing to the limited resources available for people with an acquired brain injury, they were extremely grateful when Rowan offered Ziggy a regular weekly place.
‘Rowan was the most supportive organisation through the nine years we spent fighting to have Ziggy’s needs met,’ says Rosie. ‘She was a really talented artist, and the tutors at Rowan recognised her talent.’